
Extensions & Internal Alterations, Felpham, Bognor Regis:

Overview: The project featured a single-storey rear extension, designed to accommodate a music room and an open plan living area. Additionally, the proposals included an extension and reconfiguration of an existing roof terrace, connected to the master bedroom at first floor level.

Details: The flat roof over the proposed music room was specifically designed to account for the extra weight of soundproofing materials, ensuring structural integrity while providing a quiet and comfortable space.

Considering the dwelling’s proximity to the sea, special attention was paid to the corrosion category of the steelwork to guarantee its durability and longevity in the marine environment. This proactive measure will ensure that the structure remains robust against the potential effects of the external elements.

In regards to the foundations, we worked closely with the client to strike a balance between an appropriate level of ground investigation and potential risks. This enabled us to create an efficient and well-informed design that catered specifically to the ground conditions present at the site,

Architect: Fresh Architects



